"Hope cannot be destroyed. It calls us to rise up; it whispers our name. It draws us to believe that, sometimes, wishes do come true." Kim Meeder, "Hope Rising"
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Interesting Facts...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
We all have addictions, but they may not be illegal. Spending money, accumulating 'stuff', being busy, etc. Addictions are a distraction from everyday life. What can I do to numb the reality that I may not want to deal with. These addictions may not land us in a shelter, but they still mess up our lives and other people's lives.
Stop running from reality.
Run to God. It may not get easier, but the burden will be lighter. Do you want peace?
Run to others. Live, learn, grow and share in a community so that others can see your reality, support and pray for you and help you see your reality differently.
Change isn't always easy. But it's easier with God and community.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
On Thursday October 9th I had an interview with The Salvation Army, Centre of Hope. I thought I was interviewing for Client Service Worker. I was interviewed for Team Leader.
Back up a bit:
On Monday September 29th a friend told me that he loves his job at The Salvation Army. Somehow it came up that they were hiring and I started asking all the necessary questions. It sounded like something I would be interested in. Ministry with the homeless, etc. in Calgary's downtown.
On the weekend, an interview time was set up. I was nervous, but knew that even though I was stepping out of the boat, God would take care of me.
Long story short: I was interviewed, called back and accepted the job as Team Leader that same day. I am truly thankful of how God provided for me.
When we take the step out of the boat and trust God, He provides. It may not always be in the way He provides, but He will always take care of us.
Right now I'm praying for a car. An automatic Japanese car, under around $1500, that is safe and can get me from A to B.
God is the great provider. He is in control and will keep me safe.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, August 07, 2008
She EXPECTS that she have one on one service, EVEN if it's busy. But, she rarely buys and if she does, she'll return it the next day. She's always at the Bay and most of the associates know her. When she puts items on hold, she gives her business card - fashion co-ordinator! If you saw her, you would know why this is funny. Recently, my friend nicknamed her Hollywood. Probably because she's so glitzy.
Tuesday was seniors day. While I was moving stock around in the back, I heard her. One of the associates came in the back and I asked her how it was going. She said that Hollywood doesn't want to be called a Senior...she wants to be called a Zoomer! What the heck is a Zoomer????
Should I now ask a customer when they are ready to pay, "Do you qualify for the zoomer's discount?"
It's always an adventure in Ladies Shoes!
Monday, August 04, 2008
A Little Bit of Winter in Brazil
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil - Brazilian wildlife authorities say penguins from frigid waters near the bottom of the world are washing up closer to the equator than ever before.
A spokesman for Brazil's federal environmental agency says about 300 penguins have been found dead or alive in recent days along the coast of Bahia state. The area, close to the equator, is better known for sunbathers in bikinis than for seabirds native to Antarctica and Patagonia.
Biologists believe stronger-than-usual ocean currents have pulled the birds north.
Others suggest the increase might be due to overfishing near Patagonia and Antarctica that has forced the penguins to swim further in search of food.
Temperatures in the current Southern Hemisphere winter are in the low 20s Celsius.
"This is unheard of. There have even been reports of penguins washing up as far as Aracaju," Adelson Cerqueira Silva said, referring to a beachside state capital even closer to the equator.
Silva said the environmental authority was receiving hundreds of phone calls reporting penguin sightings.
"We're telling people if the penguins don't appear to be injured or sick to leave them alone so they can swim back," Silva said in telephone interview from the Bahia state capital of Salvador.
Rescued penguins have swamped a triage centre for rescued birds, and Silva said about 90 of the birds found alive have since died.
Penguins have been sweeping up on Brazilian shores in ever greater numbers this year, for reasons that are not entirely clear.
While penguins commonly wash up as far north as Rio de Janeiro state in July and August - hundreds have done so this year. Bahia is roughly 1,200 kilometres northeast of Rio.
P. Dee Boersma, a conservation biologist at the University of Washington who works with penguins in Argentina, said that while she has heard of penguins occasionally washing up as far north as Bahia, the numbers washing up this year are extremely high.
"The last time that you got a lot of penguins was in 2000, mostly in Rio but some further north. That year the sea surface temperature was a degree lower than the 30-year average so the penguins just keep swimming in search of food without noticing where they're going," said Boersma in a telephone interview from Seattle.
She also said overfishing near Patagonia and Antarctica could be a factor. In the past decade, penguins have had to swim an average of 60 kilometres further north to find food, Boersma said.
The majority of penguins turning up are baby birds that have just left the nest and are least able to outswim the strong ocean currents.
Guess all I'll have to do is visit the beaches of Rio when I'm in Brazil if I ever get homesick!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
D Day turned God's Day
Please, please, PLEASE don't wait to go to the dentist (even if you HATE it), it's not worth it!
I don't like the dentist, but it's always easier with drugs...oh and Tylenol 3 with codeine for the after effects. Am I in pain...not yet, but I'm a little 'happy'.
God did stretch my faith through it all. I know it's something simple. I even lost sleep over it...though it was an oven in my room the night before!
I keep panicking over the littlest things and God ALWAYS pulls through.
So thank you God, for using something I was terrified about to strengthen my faith and trust in You!
I actually will look forward to going to the dentist now...I never would've seen that coming!
Monday, June 02, 2008
May 2008 support letter
*Thank you for supporting me through prayer and donations over these last five and a half months.
*My orientation with Latin America MIssion in Miami, January 20 to February 1
*Although it was a jammed packed 10 days of orientation, I felt like I was coming home.
*I made some lasting friendships with the LAM staff and the other candidates.
*Through prayer and interviews, I've decdided to go to Brazil. I will be working with an organization called Valley of Blessing, City for Children. I never through I would be going to Brazil...NEVER say never!!
*The reslults of my MRI for my left knee
*I don't need surgery! Since my physiotherapy and exercises, I've had minimal pain.
*My exploration trip to Brazil, March 31 to April 8
*After letting worry consume me as I prepared to travel to Brazil, I learned that even though it doesn't look like it, God is fully in control and I MUST leave the worrying up to Him. Even though I wasn't sleeping, God sustained me and took care of me through work and commitments, flights and customs, airport navigation and finding lost luggage until I was safely in Aracariguama (an hour and a half from Sao Paulo).
*I spent a few days at Valley of Blessing, City for Children meeting the staff and hanging out with the kids. The ministry is about 20 yeears old and was started by two pastors. There are home for children 0-18 yrs, a church, a school, cafeteria, Bible college, dorms, prayer center and beautiful gardens. The kids are usualy sent to live there by the courts since they are lacking basic needs at home.
*I will be workiing primarily with City for Children filling inthe gaps in the Christian education system to meet public education standards. Through this, I'm hoping I'll be able to disciple some of the kids as well as learn about at risk kids. In the future LAM and I will disscuss the possibilities of using horses to reach at risk kids.
*Even though I didn't speak Portuguese, I figured out how to say "What is this?". Although I was saying it wrong, Lucas (see picture) clued in and taught me colors, parts of the body and how to count.
*I then visited the language school in Vianopolis. It's not set in stone that I'll be attending the school; it all depends when I leave. The first semester begins each August. If I leave earlier, then the plan is to receive tutoring in Anapolis. Both of these cities are in the state of Goias which is about an hour flight north of Sao Paulo.
*I spent the rest of my time visiting LAM missionaries who work with Christian Camping International Brazil. There three couples train Brazilians in every related to camp ministry.
*I loved Brazil! Even though it does have Latin influence, the country also has European influences since it was colonized by Portugal. It was normal to see fair skinned and dark skinned people. I'm excited for my return.
*My continued application process with Latin America Mission
*I'm learning more about myself and God as I am being stretched through the application process. God is in control. As much as I would like to leave by January, that may or may not happen. I can't focus on the how, but only on God. He will take care of the details.
Please pray that I won't get down thinking baout the length of time the process is taking (it's normal!), but that I'll use this as a chance to get to know myself and God better. My ministry can't be strong if my relationship with God is weak.
If you would like to contact me, please send me a message. Since this is a public board, I don't want to leave my contact information. Thanks for reading!
"For I know the plan I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Julie Clausen
Evangelism Never Stands Alone...
"Alone, evangelism is vulnerable to distortion or suffocation--it often becomes either an unworthy kind of proselytism, or is easily snuffed out in favor of other priorities. But when evangelism is a part of the the total mission of the church, surrounded by compassion and service and training for life, then it is vital and enduring."
"It is meant to be a part--not the total--of the Christian task. Look at the imperatives that always accompany the Great Commission: baptizing, teaching, discipling, healing. Look at the example of Jesus and his disciples. I agree. Evangelism is the priority mission of the Body of Christ. But it cannot, must, should not stand alone."
"To me, Kenneth, Mother's life says that for the Body [of Christ] to be able to evangelize, it needs supporting ministries, like the Bible institute, the radio station and publications. And wherever human need appears, the Body's automatic function is to respond. It is the very nature of the gospel to respond to the demands that a sin-sick world makes upon its resources. Such a response gives it credibility. This is what we are also discovering in the 'Caravans' (rural assistance) ministry in which I am currently involved. People give themselves to Jesus naturally in that kind of an environment."
-taken from, "One Step Ahead", The Innovative Strachans and the Birth of the Latin America Mission by W. Dayton Roberts (pgs. 183-184)
I like how Susan Strachans' daughter Grace, describes evangelism as a whole.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Since the meat isn't processed and doesn't have added chemicals, it tastes amazing.
One of the restaurants I went to had a buffet layed out in front when I walked in. I chose all sorts of food (minus meat) and then sat down.
There's a small round dial on each table - one side red, the other green.
So, move it to the green side and wait.
We didn't wait long, and waiters started coming with different types of meat. They slice off what you want and will keep coming until you move the dial to red or stop.
Wow! Did I get my fill there!!
Definitely worth it.
There were places like that restaurant in Goias too. Except that I went to the BBQ itself and chose what meat I wanted and then my plate was weighed.
My mouth is watering just describing it!
Traffic and Pollution
Alan is a LAM missionary in Anapolis with Christian Camping Internatioal Brazil. Eni Dell is his daughter (right). Miguel Angel (left) is VP of Ministries for LAM and I was traveling with him.
This is the Valley of Blessing. It was beautiful and peaceful. It's about an hour and a half outside of Sao Paulo. The people were so friendly and wanted to help me learn the language.
I can't wait to return.
I'm trying to post more pics, but it won't let me right now. So, more to come!
It's May darn it!
Snowfall warning!
It's May 8th...I'll never get used to Calgary weather!
10-15 cm from today to Friday morning. Funny part, I'm going to a retreat with Axis from Friday to Sunday with horseback riding Saturday. Maybe I'll be sledding instead!
It's supposed to warm up for Friday and the weekend, but this IS Calgary.
Anything can happen!
Can I go back to Brazil now?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
What season is it?
I can't wait until I can return to Brazil! January won't come soon enough:)
Snow, snow go away, come again when I don't live in Canada!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Dengue Outbreak
April 15, 2008Dengue Outbreak Sweeps Through Rio By MERY GALANTERNICK and ALEXEI BARRIONUEVORIO DE JANEIRO -
Heavy rains over the past month have created a fertile breeding ground for mosquitoes carrying the dengue fever virus, deepening a crisis that has claimed at least 80 lives in Rio State.
The dengue strain ravaging this tropical city is now believed to be stronger and more lethal than the virus responsible for an epidemic in 2002, considered the worst in recent history in Brazil, according to Dr. Jacob Kligerman, health secretary for the city.
The spreading epidemic has shown no signs of slowing. Since January, 75,399 people have been infected in Rio State, health officials say. The mortality rate is now more than three times as high as it was during the epidemic in 2002, which claimed 91 lives.
There is no vaccine for dengue, also known as "bone break fever," which is spread by bites from the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Dengue produces high fever, a rash, nausea, vomiting and severe headaches and joint and muscle pains. The treatment includes pain relievers, rest and fluids. The disease usually lasts about one week.
Children younger than 15, who have little immunity, are the most susceptible to being infected. At least 35 children have died from the disease in Rio State.
As the death toll has mounted, public officials have been slow to react, in part because no one could decide if the mosquito was a city, state or federal issue. In recent days physicians have been brought in from other states, and the federal government has sent in 1,700 members of the armed forces to help anti-disease efforts.
Last week, army and navy service members trained by health officials began a 30-day tour in Rio State, visiting 95,000 homes in an effort to identify breeding grounds for the mosquito and to teach residents how to help prevent the disease. The service members are also giving patients intravenous saline solution to avoid severe dehydration.
The latest outbreak was set off by heavy rains. The mosquito breeds in uncovered water tanks, pools of stagnant water and discarded tires that accumulate water. The shantytowns built along jungle hillsides here provide a fertile mosquito breeding ground.
The dengue outbreak is taking a toll on tourism. The embassies of several countries, including the United States, Portugal and Italy, issued alerts on their Web sites warning about the epidemic in Rio, the main gateway into Brazil for foreign tourists. Two Portuguese tourists were infected in Rio, Portuguese newspapers reported. Officials recommend that visitors wear trousers and long-sleeve shirts, and that they spray insect repellent on uncovered skin three times a day.
When two children died from dengue here last November, the local authorities determined that a second type of dengue virus was present and that it could cause more casualties among children than the 2002 epidemic. In its more severe form, dengue hemorrhagic fever, the illness causes internal bleeding and can eventually kill.
According to the health secretary of the city of Rio, 50 people who have died were infected with hemorrhagic dengue, half of them younger than 12. The toll in the city is more than half of the 91 deaths reported in 2002 for all of Rio State.
In Jacarepaguá, one of the most afflicted neighborhoods in the city, the air force put up 15 barracks with space to care for up to 400 patients a day. "There were many more people needing assistance than we could handle," said Col. Henry Munhoz, a spokesman for the air force.
Last week, 4,000 former guides to the Pan American Games were called back to help fight the disease. The governor of Rio State, Sérgio Cabral, unveiled a package of dengue-related measures, including an educational campaign for public transportation, schools and police stations.
Those efforts are meant to avoid an epidemic next year. The governor has expressed frustration at the lack of effort by city officials in preventing the disease. "But right now we are facing a crisis; we don't have time to debate whose responsibility it is," he told reporters late last month. "It's useless to cry over spilled milk. There are people dying."
Sunday, March 30, 2008
On my way to Brazil
Thank you SO, SO much for praying for me while I couldn't sleep and for the processing of my VISA.
I recieved my VISA on Wednesday! And I was able to sleep a bit better.
I will be flying out of Calgary at 7am Monday morning and arriving in Sao Paulo, Brazil Tuesday morning. The plan is to visit Valley of Blessing, the children's ministry for a few days. Then I'll fly to Goiania to visit the language school in Vianopolis, some of LAM's missionaries in Anapolis and Tres Ranchos. I will be flying home on April 7th. It'll be a busy week, but I'm looking forward to the visit.
Would you please join me in prayer for:
*safe travels
*minimal culture shock & patience with the language (Portuguese)
*seeing Brazil through God's eyes
*vision for my future ministry
I appreciate all the prayers and support and verses from everyone. I wish I could give all of you BIG HUGS!
Love you all!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Friday, March 07, 2008
Please pray for me. I could use some encouraging words right now and some verses surrounding faith, peace and trust.
I am stressed out about my VISA application. I am traveling to Brazil on March 31st and I must have a VISA to enter the country.
I haven't been sleeping due to the stress. I'm thankful that God is sustaining me through each day and I'm thankful that I'm not sick.
Please pray for an overwhelming sense of peace and good, long, deep sleeps. Please pray that my VISA application with be processed quicker than normal and that my passport will be safe as I am required to mail it to Vancouver, British Columbia.
I have no torn ligaments or tendons. I just have a slight fissure in some cartilage and when I climb stairs my thigh bone rubs underneath my knee cap. It's partly because I climb stairs at work and partly because I'm tall. Not much I can do about being tall! The doctor recommended that I keep doing my exercises and stay away from stairs. Guess I'll have to deal for just awhile longer!
Thanks for praying!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Quick update...
I have decided to go to Brazil in January 2009 with Latin America Mission. I'm in the process of being accepted. I'll be in language school for about a year and then working with an organization called Valley of Blessing.
On March 31st until April 7th I'll be in Brazil. I'm going to do an exploratory trip to visit the language school and the ministry.
Please pray that I'll get all the details worked out.
I'm working through a VISA application and trying to figure out which shots I'll need. I have an appointment with my doctor on Thursday reguarding my MRI and I'll ask him about immunization. I also need an International Immunization Card. So I have to figure out which province I can get that from.
Please pray that I can trust God with the finances and not panic. I'm not sleeping through the night, but God is sustaining me.
I'm sorry for not keeping better in touch. I will update more about orientation when it isn't almost 12:30am!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Customs was interesting. He wasn't happy with my answer as an orientation or conference. When I was flipping through my folder to get the letter out from Lam Canada, he told me to just answer the question. I know he was just doing his job, but it was really intimidating and I don't like being judged. For some reason he was happy with what I gave him (I don't remember what it was) and I did make it clear through my answers that I was not getting paid.
I went through customs in Toronto. So it was nice to have that off my mind for the flight to Miami. Besides the flight attendents, I felt like the youngest person on the flight! The rest were seniors and retirees. And two young families! Florida is the place for snow birds and cruises! My seat was in the fire exit aisle and I was so excited. Then the flight attendant asked me if I wouldn't mind switching with a tall gentlemen! I said yes, but was disappointed...I'm tall too! But when I saw him standing, he had to be at least 6'6! He commented that I was tall, and I said he was taller. His wife bought me a drink and so not to be rude, I traded it in for food...$6 worth...Air Canada sure knows how to make money! There were personal tv's for each seat with choices of movies and news and tv shows to watch. It made the flights seem shorter.
When I got to Miami, Kiki took me out for dinner for Cuban food. It was good! Another orientee was there and Kiki's mother. Kiki is the mobilizer. I was exhausted and having trouble taking it all in. We drove around for a bit and were shown some sites, then we went to Kiki's house. We chatted a bit and despite the 2 hour time difference, I went to bed at 11pm eastern!
We slept in until 9am and then went for Cuban coffee...it's like a shot of espresso...yummy. Then toured around to different places. Miami seems to be rich in Cuban/Latino culture. But many of the trees are fairly young since hurracaine Andrew destroyed a lot. Kiki's Mom was driving us around. It was nice to be a tourist and be able to ask questions and see things. Even though it was quite windy it's still warmer than Calgary! Even at 9pm it's warm!!
This morning we start at 8am, but breakfast is at the hotel earlier than that. The office is about a 5 min. walk from the hotel so I don't think it'll be too rushed.
Have a wonderful week!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Happy New Year!
I hope everyone was able to make some wonderful memories this Christmas season.
Even though I wasn't able to go home, I was invited into other people’s families. I had a Polish Christmas Eve dinner and a good old Canadian Christmas Day turkey dinner. I spent time with roommates opening presents and stockings, eating and building a gingerbread train.
Now that the store hours are back to normal (yay!), I can wind down and focus on orientation in Miami in 8 days!
I want to thank you for continuing to pray and support me as I move towards my dreams.
I had to cancel my MRI appointment (again), but I was praying and asking God to give me a date in February. I was talking to my doctor's office January 3rd and my MRI is on February 21st at 9pm! I don't even have to miss work and it's at Foothills hospital which is close to home.
On January 2nd I bought US Dollars and again started to worry about finances. My mom called that night and told me to sit down. I could tell by her voice she had good news. On her table she had a cheque from church (the church I grew up in) for a generous amount made out to me. She was told that the cheque was to help with expenses. Talk about God's perfect timing!
I know that I am human and worrying is a human characteristic. But I take it too the extreme and worry to the point that I don't sleep. Please pray that I will continually lay my worries at God's feet and let Him worry about it for me.
Last Saturday I finished my application and sent it off on Tuesday. It feels good to finally have it finished. And although I was challenged, I feel like I know myself better.
May God fill your hearts in 2008 with JOY and PEACE for Him and for the life that He's given you. He LOVES you, you know!
Julie Clausen