Sunday, October 12, 2008


Stepping out of the boat can be scary, but God promises to ALWAYS take care of me.

On Thursday October 9th I had an interview with The Salvation Army, Centre of Hope. I thought I was interviewing for Client Service Worker. I was interviewed for Team Leader.

Back up a bit:

On Monday September 29th a friend told me that he loves his job at The Salvation Army. Somehow it came up that they were hiring and I started asking all the necessary questions. It sounded like something I would be interested in. Ministry with the homeless, etc. in Calgary's downtown.

On the weekend, an interview time was set up. I was nervous, but knew that even though I was stepping out of the boat, God would take care of me.

Long story short: I was interviewed, called back and accepted the job as Team Leader that same day. I am truly thankful of how God provided for me.

When we take the step out of the boat and trust God, He provides. It may not always be in the way He provides, but He will always take care of us.

Right now I'm praying for a car. An automatic Japanese car, under around $1500, that is safe and can get me from A to B.

God is the great provider. He is in control and will keep me safe.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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