Tuesday, February 09, 2010


Dear Family and Friends,

At the end of October 2008, I began a new job at a homeless shelter in downtown Calgary working with marginalized men. As much as I enjoyed the position, it was stressful and wasn’t the ideal position for me. With much prayer, I decided it was better for me, and my health, to leave the company. So, on August 8 2009 I resigned.

During that job, feelings of inadequacy and people-pleasing were rising to the surface. In September I admitted to myself that I was unable to continue living as though everything was okay and as though I had dealt with previous feelings of self esteem and self doubt.

A friend referred me to a program offered by my church called Freedom Session (http://www.freedomsession.com/intro-to-freedom-session/an-overview-of-freedom-session). As a child I was bullied by my peers. I thought I had dealt with all the feelings surrounding my childhood, but I was living in denial. I have learned through this program that it’s freeing dealing with the past and trusting that God will give me freedom for the future.

At this time, I have decided to pull back from support-raising for Brazil. I ask that you please stop supporting me financially until further notice. I would, though, appreciate your prayers as I continue through the program as it is emotionally draining. I am thankful that God is bringing me through this process as I will be in a better place emotionally, spiritually, and mentally to serve God when I am finished.

I would also ask you to join me in praying about returning to school. I have been looking into taking a Masters in either Counselling or Psychology at Providence Seminary (through Ambrose Seminary) or a Diploma of Social Work or a Certificate on Addiction Studies at Mount Royal University in the fall of 2010. I feel that God is leading me to work within the addictions field, but I do need more training and knowledge in the area. This isn’t to say that I will never be going to Latin America, but that for right now, God has put this desire in my heart for more education and training.

I have spoken with the Executive Director of Latin American Mission Canada Inc and have his full support in wherever God leads.

Thank you for all of your support since I have applied and have been accepted as a missionary with Latin America Mission Canada Inc. I appreciate all of you.

If you have any questions or wish to continue to contact me, please feel free by messaging me and I'll contact you.

