Saturday, December 29, 2007

"A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him - the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord - and he will delight in the fear of the Lord. he will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears will his ears; but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked. Righteouness will be his belt and faithfuness the sash around his waist." Isaiah 11:1-5

"Surely God is my Salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation." Isaiah 12:2

"Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted. Sing to the Lord, for he has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world. Shout aloud and sing for joy, people of Zion, for great is the Holy One of Israel among you." Isaiah 12:4-6

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Dear Family and Friends,

From June 2000 to August 2001, I served God in Mexico City with Latin America Mission as a short term missionary. For the past six years, I have been praying that God would allow me to return to Latin America. God has blessed me with being released from debt, therefore allowing me to apply with Latin America Mission (LAM) for full time missionary service.

One Sunday, my pastor challenged us to think about what our ideal situation in life would be. Some say to live comfortably, without debt or to have financial security, to be at the top of the company, or to have good health. My ideal life – working with horses to reach out to at risk kids and teens in Latin America. Yes, it’ll be difficult, strenuous and challenging. But it’ll also be rewarding when that one child sees that they are worth something and that God loves them and they can trust again.
LAM has invited me to attend their ten day orientation in Miami, Florida from January 21st through the 31st. At the orientation I will learn about LAM’s history, vision for the future, their approach to ministry and the nuts-and-bolts of service with LAM. If you are interested in learning more about LAM, check out their website:
I am asking my family and friends to partner and support me through prayer (I could NEVER do this without prayer) and financial contributions. The total cost is $2200.00. This amount includes my orientation fee, airfare, accommodation, and meal expenses. If you would like to contribute financially towards my trip, you can send a cheque to the Latin America Mission at the address below and receive a tax receipt for your donation. On a separate note (post-it notes work well) please write Clausen/LAM USA orientation.

Latin America Mission (Canada) Inc.
3075 Ridgeway Drive, Unit 14
Mississauga, ON L5L 5M6

Please pray for continued guidance and wisdom. As the busy retail Christmas season is here, pray for continued health and alertness. On January 17th I have an appointment for an MRI on my left knee. Pray that everything will go smoothly and the results positive. During the orientation in Miami, pray for health, safety and vision. Please also pray that I will benefit and learn from the orientation and all that unfolds.

If you have any questions, please post a message and I'll get back to you. Thanks so much in advance for your prayers and giving.



Monday, December 03, 2007

Trusting God

I haven't written recently because I don't know what to write.

I have booked my flight to Miami, but now I need a passport. I've printed out the online version, but it didn't work properly and now when I go to bring up the online version, there are technical difficulties and it doesn't load. I'm trying not to panic, but it takes three weeks to process a passport.

Hopefully I will hear today whether or not I can begin raising funds through LAM's Canadian office for orientation in Miami. I'm trying to be patient, but I'm wearing down.

But, around three weeks ago, I ask God to help me to be patient. God helps me to be patient by giving me reasons TO be patient. Too bad patience isn't a one time learning's something we ALL need to work on time and time again!

I'm also having trouble with Christmas. Since I work in retail it seems to come from all directions! I want to participate in the birth of Christ part, but the materialism surrounding it is too much to take. I want to bless people, but that's hard to do on a tight budget.

Please pray for sanity as I work in this crazy industry during Christmas. Also that I will be able to focus and just take one day at a time and not panic or look too far ahead. God will only give me as much as I can handle, pray that I will continue to trust Him.

Please pray that I can focus on Jesus this season. That when I sing Christmas carols, that I don't just sing them, but I relfect on what I'm singing and love God even more for bring Jesus into this crazy, mixed up world.



Friday, November 16, 2007

I'm going!

Guess what? I'm going to Miami in January for Latin America Missions orientation! I can't believe that the ball is finally rolling. My manager okayed the leave of absence and said that she would do anything for me. Why did I spend my whole shift today worried about what would happen? Satan must've had a field day with me today.

I asked for patience and God has given me PLENTY of opportunity to practice it:)

So now I have to see if I can go on a wait list for my MRI, finish my passport appy, and get organizing!

Please pray for diligence and focus.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Last night at around 2:30am I realized that on January 22 I have an MRI appointment. Right at the beginning of orientation.

Now I have to decide (and soon) if I really need to MRI or do I have enough faith to believe my doctor when he says that I don't really need one. I don't want to mess with my knee. If something is wrong, I would like to have it dealt with BEFORE I leave Canada.

There is another orientation in June, but then I wouldn't be leaving in the summer (pr0vided I have all my support raised).

God, what are you trying to teach me?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Carina, who are you? Thanks for your encouraging messages!

The road to latin america

I finally stepped up and sent in my resume and a picture of myself to Latin America Mission.

And Guess what???!!!

I recieved an invitiation to attend Canditate Orientation from January 21-31 in Miami! Yay!

So, please pray with me as tomorrow I am planning to approach my manager to ask for a leave of absence. January is the busiest time for retail. BUT if this is something that God really wants me to do, I shouldn't have a problem.

Pray for confidence and clarity. And that my words would be God's words.

I've been crying tears of JOY all day!


Monday, November 05, 2007

Stepping Out...

Well I FINALLY filled out the preliminary application for Latin America Mission to work with at risk kids. I am learning about myself as I go. I knew I was a procrastinator...but not this bad! I need to send in my resume and a picture of myself...why is it so hard to find time to take a two second picture?

But, this process has helped me to focus and get some much needed medical things on my knee, vision stuff and dental...I keep putting my trip to the dentist off...I hate the dentist!

Please pray that I can become more focused and diligent as the process will only go as fast as I do!


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Wow, I can relate!

You know you're in a Chrisitan University when...

the naked statues in your history book have shorts drawn in...

conversation stops mid-sentence for everyone to pray at dinner...

when professors take prayer requests before class starts...

people discuss and argue the Bible in their spare time...

your ID card gets scanned on the way into chapel....

students get together just to pray...

the school doesn't recognize Halloween, but professors host a bonfire that night so you can dress up, have fun, and the professors know where you are...

"co-ed" dorms means one floor is all guys and another is all girls...

a "late night" usually includes board/card games, a trip to wal-mart, pizza, and at least three cameras...

when you have to have your Christmas Banquet dresses approved to make sure not to much skin is showing...

you start singing and quoting Veggie Tales and others join in...

you can't study with other girls without discussing wedding plans...

people gossip in the name of Jesus, attempting to pass it off as prayer requests...

the targets of your jokes are other denomiations...

Ring by Spring. Enough said...

you put others Christian colleges down--not because you are in rivalry with them, but you laugh at their dumb rules, and then realize you have them too...

ping pong, ultimate frisbee, and fooseball are the varsity sports...

people gasp in horror at the thought of seeing an R rated movie...

no one has illegally... or legally... drank...

someone says "THANK GOD!" and everyone says "Amen"...

"Open dorms" becomes the most scandalous day of the year...

rebellion means watching Braveheart with your door closed...

rumors/information about dating gets across campus faster than you can walk across it...

Friday, March 23, 2007

Proverbs 3:1-6

"My son, do not forget my teaching,
but keep my commands in your heart,
for they will prolong your life many years
and bring you prosperity.

Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart.
Then you will win favor and a good name
in the sight of God and man.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:1-6

Proverbs 3:3,4:
I was encouraged by these two verses. No, I'm not necessarily trying to 'win favor' from those around me, but maybe respect? I know that we should only be conerned with what God thinks of us, but shouldn't my manager be able to respect my integrity and trust me? But what I am learning in Proverbs is that I need to be very careful whom I am faithful to. Wisdom or folly? Can I discern between the two or will I figure out which is which when it's too late? Verses 5 and 6 help make sense of my last question:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

I was reading in my Bible that "acknowledge him" is not just deciding and recognizing that God is God, but living my life by knowing God and living closely with him. I need to relate to God in all aspects of my life, not just the ones in which I choose. When I constantly keep GOD at the center of my life, I can EASILY trust in him and lean on him for his understanding. Maybe I should make myself clear.

When I put God at the center of my life, I know that he is in control and that makes it easier to trust him. The situations he tosses at me to grow and challenge me may not always be easier (in fact, I don't think they are ever easy), but at least I know that I can trust in a God who can bring me through these situations.

So, when God is the center of my life, when I fully trust him in all aspects of my life, I know exactly which is wisdom and which is folly.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Praise God!

God and my parents have blessed me with being debt free! Praise God!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

You Know You're From Richmond When...

I got this from the Facebook, You know you're from Richmond when...

1. there are more places to buy bubble tea than a cup of coffee!
2. when snowy roads in richmond are worse than iraq conditions (thank you, jared)
3. people ask if you speak chinese
4. you know that east richmond is brown, west richmond is rich/asian, and there is no north or south
5. more sushi places than mcdonalds
6. when there are more bmw's and benz's in sight than caucasians. dont think its racist...more like the truth!
7. You know No. 3 Road as the "Ho Chi Minh Trail"
8. You know that Steveston Highway has only half the speed limit of a real highway.
9. you see one white person for every 50 non-white people (i dont think thats racist)
10. there is absolutely nothing to do unless you want to shop at a mall where no signs are in english
11. you can be entertained for hours sitting in a parking lot and counting the accidents
12. when someone from out of town says "no way that person just did that" as they crossed 3 lanes to turn right instead of left and all you can say is "ive seen worse"
13. A weekend consists of trying to find a party, if not you end up drinking with a small group, going to BP, and heading to bed early.
14. you avoid # 4road because its too bumpy and will ruin your car because it is most likely lowered
15. you know someone, that knows someone you know, that knows someone else you know...........that knows you
16. When you're surprised when your car starts to roll faster when going down a hill because you've never gone down one.
17. you've most likely dated someone you know's ex
18. you probably know me (tahnee), or someone who knows me.
19. HAHA BEST ONE!! : when you have had driving lessons done by Bill from Trinity! (love this one)
20. Tim Horton's on No.3rd and Cambie has Chinese Translation on the Menu Board
21. when you tell people you are from richmond and they look at you with a confused look and say "...but you are white?"
22. you know that ryan styles has a home in steveston and colin mocherie also used to go to school here.
23. There's no point checking translink's website: Richmond busses come whenever the (beep) they want
24.You call your hometown "Ditchmond" yet jump to defend it whenever Vancouver or Burnaby kids start talking (beep)
25. You know that as the road numbers get bigger, so do your chances of getting stabbed
26.The sharp smell of cow manure in the morning no longer has you thinking that a sadistic farmer went crazy and blew up a bunch of cows. It's just the norm!
27. You know that Michael J Fox and Ryan Reynolds are both from Richmond, and that Ryan Reynolds attended Kwantlen for a bit. Actually maybe you didn't-but hey, now you know.
28. when you don't know that part of your city is called the golden village on richmond tourism brochures. however, once you find out that it is, you know exactly what area of richmond is being referred to
.29. you actually get offended by the truly terrible quality of sushi and sashimi found in any other city in BC, Canada, and North America
30. you've lived in richmond most your life, but you can count the number of times youve gone to landsowne mall with your fingers
31. youve seriously considered ticking the "member of a visible minority" box of numerous application forms...even though youre a caucassian male
32.even though theres three local ski mountains, you only ever go to one, because last time you went to the second it sucked, and you never even considered, ever, of going to the third
33.even though you live in canada, so called "land of ice and snow" helplessley acknowledge that ten cm of snow will effectively shut down vancouver.... for a week
34. We have no basements and understand the concept of "play rooms or games rooms"
35. Club blox now capital is something we all know about but will never ever go to
36. you had a picture with asian santa at RC.
37. when people use umbrellas, wear sun visors, and drive with gloves on, regardless of the weather.
38. you know ur from richmond when u know what a screamer is
39. you know ur from richmond when the only reason u go to lansdowne is for taco luis!!!
40. when french is no longer considered a second language, more a 4th or 5th
41.You have an earthquake buddy in Vancouver because you need a place to stay when the Big One hits and sinks Richmond like the Titanic.
42. Your biggest tourist attraction, Entertainment Boulevard, is in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by farms.
43.You know you can find every single religion represented on No. 5 Road.
44.You know what the dyke is - and it's not a derogatory term.
45.You've blazed at Alien Landing/Gary Point Park
.46.You know that Queensborough is not part of Richmond - neither is Delta/Tssawwassen.
44. you've been hammared out of your mind in steveston, at least twice.
45. you know a drug dealer, or two.
46. When your parents ask you want you want for dinner - you say you feel like eating "white" food.
47.You've eaten at Danny's - even though it's a convenience store.
48. You've eaten dim sum for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
49. when celebrities come to your city and throw laptops at old ladies (haha Denise Richards)
50. when you've been stuck in traffic for a couple hours cause there was another accident in the tunnel
51. you have a store called Rice World
52. you have full-serve gas stations
53. when during christmas you drive along blundell just to see the house with the all know which house i'm talking about
54. you have gone to the nature park thinking it would be a fun time, and left being really disappointed you didn't see anything larger than a duck.'ve been stuck behind a tractor on a oneway street
56. you have passed that large lot of land by garden city and westminster highway, and wonder, why haven't they done anything to it
57. it takes you half an hour to drive the 3 rd stretch, no matter what direction, or time of day know what was there before the giant casino "riverrock" was built
59. you know where the only drivethrough starbucks is
60.the posted speed limit is 50 but the mercedes beside you is doing 80 and you speed up because you know the cops will ticket him before he tickets you
61. you know the things you see in the fast and the furious really happen, or you know someone who supes up their car to street race, and then you laugh at them
62. you have a pitiful excuse for a beach
63. you or someone you know works/has worked at silvercity riverport. (haha true..i worked there for 2 years)'ve had an elementary school sub. called Mr. Richmond're confused when first hearing of the concept of filling up your own gas at a self-serve gas station
66. you get so freaking excited when you find out the most amazing band HEDLEY is in town for a free concert (this might only apply to me :S)

Monday, January 22, 2007

"He makes e to lie down in green pastures." Psalm 23:2, NKJV

Here are some meaningful excerpts from the book I'm reading, Traveling Light, by Max Lucado.
The chapter I'm quoting from is, I Will Give You Rest, pages 37-43.

"Only one other living creature has as much trouble resting as we do. These creatures are woolly, simpleminded, and slow. No, not husbands on Saturday-sheep! Sheep can't sleep.
For sheep to sleep, everything must be just right. No predators. No tension in the flock. No bugs in the air. No hunger in the belly. Everything has to be just so.
Unfortunately, sheep cannot find safe pasture, nor can they spray insecticide, deal with the frictions, or find food. They need help. They need a shepherd to 'lead them' and help them 'lie down in green pastures.' Without a shepherd, they can't rest.
Without a shepherd, neither can we.
In the second verse of the Twenty-third Psalm David the poet become David the artist. His quill becomes a brush, his parchment a canvas, and his words paint a picture. A flock of sheep on folded legs, encircling a shepherd. Bellies nestled deep in the long shoots of gass. A still pond on one side, the watching shepherd on the other. "He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters" (Ps. 23:2 NKJV).
Note the two pronouns preceding the two verbs. He makes me....He leads me...
Who is the active one? Who is in charge? The shepherd. The shepherd selects the trail and prepares the pasture. The sheep's job-our job-is to watch the shepherd. With our eyes on our Shepherd, we'll be able to get some sleep. "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You" (Isa. 26:3 NKJV).

We see the waves of the water rather than the Savior walking through them.

Change your focus and relax.

Life can get so loud we forget to shut it down.

God's message is plain: "If creation didn't crash when i rested, it won't crash when you do."

Repeat these words after me: It is not my job to run the world.

A century ago Charles Spurgeon gave this advice to his preaching students:
Even beasts of burden must be turned out to grass occasionally; the very sea pauses at ebb and flood; earth keeps the Sabbath of the wintry months; and man, even when exalted to God's ambassador, must rest or faint, must trim his lamp or let it burn low; must recruit his vigor or grow prematurely old...In the long run we shall do more by sometimes doing less.
...for you to be healthy, you must rest. Slow down, and God will heal you. He will bring rest to your mind, to your body, and most of all to your soul. He will lead you to green pastures.
Green pastures were not the natural terrain of Judea. The hills around Bethlehem where David kept his flock were not lush and green. Even today they are white and parched. Any green pasture in Judea is the work of some shepherd. He has cleared the rough, rocky land. Stumps have been torn out, and brush has been burned. Irrigation. Cultivation. Such are the work of a shepherd.
Hence, when David says, "He makes me to lie down in green pastures," he is saying, "My shepherd makes me lie down in his finished work." With his own pierced hands, Jesus created a pasture for the soul. He tore out the thorny underbrush of condemnation. He pried loose the huge boulders of sin. In their place he planted seeds of grace and dug ponds of mercy.
And he invites us to rest there. Can you imagine the satisfaction in the heart of the shepherd when, with work completed, he sees his sheep rest in the tender grass?
Can you imagine the satisfaction in the heart of God when we do the same? His pasture is his gift to you. This is not a pasture that you have made. Nor is it a pasture that you deserve. It is a gift of God. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God" (Eph. 2:8 NIV).
In a world rocky with human failure, there is a land lush with divine mercy. Your Shepherd invites you there. He wants you to lie down. Nestle deeply until you are hidden, buried, in the tall shoots of his love, and there you will find rest."

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Colossians 4:2-6

"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful and pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly as I should. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salkt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." Colossians 4:2-6

So, I am commanded to devote myself to prayer, yet I don't. Why, when my manager tells me to do something, I'm right on it, but when God, who's much more improtant than my manager tells me to do something, I ignore him? Is it because I'm relying too much on grace? Do I turn a blind eye to God's discipline? Or do I just not care? Everything would flow better if I obeyed God and gave all to him, yet I always try to handle life on my own - what a waste of time and energy and unwanted stress.

I know that I am not always wise in the way I act towards outsiders, I'm not always careful and sometimes I don't even care. That's scary for me to admit. Not caring can lead to selfishness - even more scary.

How do I let my conversation be always full of grace and seasoned with salt? Oh right, give all my words to God - don't try to do things on my own, without God.

I want to be more like Jesus, my Shepherd, my Father.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Simon Birch

Wow, what an amazing movie! It teaches a good lesson, well many lessons.

*a 12 year old boy, born with a birth defect (the size of a toddler), into a home where his parents could care less

*Simons' best friend, Joe, is also an outcast, born to a single mother, he doesn't know who his father is

*Simon speaks out to what he knows is true and gets flack for it...other's believe it's because of his disability, but if he was a normal child, no one would care

*Simon believes that one day he will be a hero, and that his life has a purpose

*everyone else thinks he's crazy

*so, this movie teaches that just because one is small and appears unable to accomplish his dreams/beliefs, anything is possible

It's about life, death and everything inbetween. Our actions may lead to many different things, but even though the outcomes may seem unintentional, God has a hand in everything. Go watch Simon Birch, but have some kleenex handy.