Saturday, September 02, 2006


I had an amazing worship time with my roommates Merissa and Meghan. Meghan was at the piano, I was on the flute or singing, and Merissa was singing. I just love music and I enjoying worshipping God with music.

It hasn't been the greatest week God wise. I've been trying to pray and spend time with God, but I've been tired. Bad excuse. So, singing tonight was awesome. God has blessed me with some wonderful like-minded roommates.

I had been praying for some like-minded friends for a year and a half and God blessed me with friends at church and at home. Gracias a Dios!! I was so starved for fellowship, I was beginning to believe that it would never happen, but God was teaching me patience and trust. I wish I didn't have to keep learning these two things over, and over, and over, and over again. But there is always a reason for it.

I have the weekend off, so hopefully I won't get too distracted and lazy to spend time with God. I miss Him and reading the Bible and praying.

The picture above is part of my Aunt and Uncle's garden in BC. Nature always reminds me of God's creation and it's so peaceful. Sometimes I could just sit in nature forever and refelct on God and His goodness and greatness.

What makes you reflect on God?

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