Saturday, September 02, 2006

Skunks and Lawns

Last night some of us were watching a movie when the stench of skunk permiated the whole house. It was like a skunk backed up to a window and let loose. How inconsiderate:) I could still smell it this morning...but I think the smell is gone now.

This afternoon, Merissa and I did yard work...she mowed the lawn for the first was fun. We even trimmed the trees (so us tall ones can walk under them without ducking) and weed whipped. There was lots of laughing and sneezing.

Hmmm...instead of "Girls like guys with skills", what about "Guys like girls with skills...mowing skills, weed whacking skills, tree trimming skills, raking skills...! Yard work is fun and now it doesn't look so much like we live in the hood...just slightly. Maybe we should add a couch in our front yard!

1 comment:

Merissa said...

yeah!! i think we did a pretty dang good job of getting that wire coat hanger untangled from under the blade of the lawn mower!

thanks for tackling the jungle with me Julie. we each deserve an aromatherapy neckwrap.