"Within every heart there exists a special place,
a place where the hopes and dreams of the soul soar,
unchained by logial or phyiscal entrapments.
For some,
visiting this unique place is a frivolous waste of time,
a mental blowing of dandelion spores.
For others this place becomes the mountain meadow within their soul,
the sweeping expanse of wildflowers and fragrant grasses,
the streams of pure glacial water,
where the spirit runs free.
It is a place where the impossible fourishes,
where dreams survive the inferno of reality to become the miraculous wonders that draw us forward - it is the place where
hope rises."
"Hope Rising", Kim Meeder
Some day, I want to be serving God in Latin America. I feel called to underprivilaged kids and teens. I want them to come to a place where they feel safe, loved. A place where "hope rises" (Kim Meeder, "Hope Rising".) A place where troubled horses meet troubled kids and they heal each other. I got my idea from a ranch call Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch in Bend, Orgeon (www.crystalpeaksyouthranch.org) The above quote and the following quotes were taken from "Hope Rising", written by Kim Meeder. Kim and her husband own and run the ranch. The book is moving and I can barely get through a few pages without my eyes tearing up. God is so amazing, His love is so prevelant.
"What once needed healing now gives healing.
What was once broken has now been restored.
What was once lost is now found."
Kim Meeder, "Hope Rising"
"Hope cannot be destroyed.
It calls us to rise up;
it whispers our name.
It draws us to believe that,
wishes do come true."
Kim Meeder, "Hope Rising"
"Society teaches us that anyting less than perfect is
and unattractive - that it should be avoided whenever possible.
But pure reality teaches us that the Lord loves and uses the flawed,
and broken -
the apparently useless things of this world -
to accomplish His greatest works.
It is easy to become focused on our "defective" areas and completely miss all that they teach us. Our flaws,
our imperfections motivate us to become
and teachable.
And like knots in woood,
they give us our uniqueness and character.
They help to bend or even beark us to the point where we are able to recognize the needs of other and to help them.
Now when I marvel at the majest of the trees in my native forest,
I see things differently.
And if I really listen,
I can hear the Makeer laugh and say,
"See, My child, I make the knots, too!""
Kim Meeder, "Hope Rising"
"Joy was being carried on an evening breeze to all creation before sleep,
the embraving reminder that life is good."
Kim Meeder, "Hope Rising"
"...scars are evidence of the trials of life,
a testament to victory over adversity."
Kim Meeder, "Hope Rising"
"...every now and then if we work hard enough and dream hard enough something wonderful happens.
Hope can not be stopped.
There are times when the fiery walls of reality are not
strong enough,
hot enough,
or high enough
to stop a dream fueled by hope from crashing through.
Dreams drive through flames that
melt -
and forge us
into the creatures God wants us to be.
Dreams driven by hope,
empowered by love,
change us forever."
Kim Meeder, "Hope Rising"