Saturday, December 09, 2006

Stuff I'm Learning...

I'm learning that I shouldn't be trying to please everyone around me, just God.

I'm learning that if I don't like someone, in God's view, I'm murdering them.

I'm learning that I can't do everything, unless God is involved.

I'm learning that I don't like being lonely.

I'm learning that God is trying to teach me something right now and it hurts.

I'm learning to ask for help instead of trying to do everything myself.

I'm learning that my body needs a rest (maybe I should take a hit from Gilmore!).

I'm learning that I need a different job, yet a job that includes customer service.

I'm learning that I need to come back to God and rely on Him ALL THE TIME.

I'm learning that I can stand up to my landlord and that he and no one else has the right to intimidate me.

1 comment:

Dan Nel said...

I am learning that you are learning...
I mean that seriously not as a joke...
Hey Julie you are awesome and always kool to be around.. Sometimes when you vent it makes my day hahaha. I know that sounds bizarre but I like the stories.
Hey let me know about the "new job thang"
I could help you with that... Shaw is a great place too work...Let me know k..